Health & Welfare Fund, Health Insurance, Updated Plan of Benefits, the Program & More

Electrical Workers Union in Fresh Meadows, New York

Welcome From the Chairman
It is with great pride that your union presents this updated Plan of Benefits at no cost to you.
The program described herein includes improvements in the disability insurance and retirement for active members and life insurance, hearing aids, optical, dental, orthotic, and prescription drug benefits for both active and retired members. All benefits described in this booklet went into effect on January 1, 2016.
The chairman and trustees will continue to improve and expand benefits whenever possible. Please read this booklet and the life insurance certificate carefully. Your cooperation and intelligent use of this plan will enable us to provide the necessary coverage for you and your family.
Richard C. Cassidy
If you are an ACTIVE MEMBER, view the list of categories to explain the current benefits, terms, and conditions of your plan. You can click on the Print Icon on any page to print any page or the PDF Icon to convert the page to a PDF file.
If you are a RETIRED MEMBER, view the list of categories to explain your current benefits, terms, and conditions of your plan. You can click on the Print Icon on any page to print any page or the PDF Icon to convert the page to a PDF file.