Prescription Drug Benefits
Benefits are payable according to the stipulations below for covered prescription drug purchases while the member and dependent(s) - if any - remain eligible to receive them.
Who Is Covered
Prescription drug benefits are available for most medications prescribed by a physician for the member and any eligible dependent(s).

What Charges Are Covered
Most medications prescribed by a physician are covered under this section. However, the Plan encourages the member to consider the use of generic drugs rather than name-brand medications since the former afford the best return on the dollar. (When the doctor prescribes a medication, ask whether there is a generic drug alternative, and, if there is, have the prescription written accordingly.)
The following conditions apply as of September 1, 2022
NOTE: Affordable Care Act does not allow Welfare Funds to have a cap on drug prescription claims. The Fund cannot afford to pay an unlimited amount for drug reimbursement. The only way we are able to keep this benefit is to reimburse the members 1 percent of all prescription claims above $2,500 which will eliminate our drug cap.
Which are dispensed in a hospital (contracted for or operated by the United States Government) for the treatment of members or ex-members of the Armed Forces
Which are dispensed by a rest home, sanitarium, sanatorium, drug or alcohol rehabilitation center or other similar institution;