Dental/Orthodontic Benefits

We are pleased to announce new Dental plan as of September 1, 2023. The new plan is with United Healthcare, Coverage with Healthplex ends August 31, 2023. If you are in the middle of any procedures, it will be covered.
Benefits are payable according to the schedule below for covered dental charges incurred while the member and dependent(s) - if any - remain eligible to receive them.
Any questions concerning dental and/or orthotic benefits contained herein should be directed to
Additional orthodontic information is under SCHEDULE OF DENTAL PROCEDURES, Orthodontic Benefits.
What Charges Are Covered
Dental charges are covered for any medically necessary service or supply included in the section, SCHEDULE OF DENTAL PROCEDURES.
In order for any orthodontic treatment to be considered as a covered charge, a treatment plan must be submitted within twenty (20) days following the date of the examination that reveals the need for such treatment.
How Much Is Payable
The member will be reimbursed for covered dental service(s) equal to the amount charged for the service(s) up to the maximum shown in the "Schedule of Dental Procedures".
Any covered orthodontic treatment is payable at 50% of the reasonable and customary charge as described below.
There is a calendar year maximum benefit of $3,500 per eligible individual for all dental services combined.
NOTE: If charges for any course of covered dental treatment(s) are expected to be more than $300, the member may wish to receive an estimate of any benefits that would be payable for any such treatment(s). If so the member may wish to supply the fund with a treatment plan. (A "treatment plan" is considered to be a written report prepared by the dentist detailing the findings of an examination of the covered individual as well as the suggested treatment relative to the condition(s) found.) For additional information, contact United Healthcare +1 (877) 816-3596
NOTE: To find an United Healthcare provider, follow directions below.