NYCEDWF ─ Who Is Covered ─ Plan Eligibility & More


Plan Eligibility

All individuals who are members of the New York City Electricians Retired Health and Welfare Fund Local # 3 IBEW are eligible to participate in the plan on the date you retire, provided you are part of the New York City Pension System. There are no contribution requirements from the member for eligibility. 

Becoming Covered

Coverage begins on the day the member becomes eligible.



Becoming Covered

Each dependent will be eligible for the dental, optical, and prescription drug benefits on the day that the members' coverage commences. Any new dependent(s) acquired after that date will be covered immediately. No dependent(s) will be covered before the day the member's coverage commences. 

NOTEIf any dependent is eligible under the plan for coverage as a member in his/her own right, that person is not eligible for coverage as a "Dependent" as defined above in this section.

Dependent Eligibility

The term dependent means:

Your spouse. Your spouse to whom you are legally married.  Your spouse may remain an eligible dependent until your divorce, annulment or legal separation, whichever occurs first.

Your children up to age 26. “Children” means your… “biological children, adopted children, stepchildren, children placed for adoption regardless or residence, marital status, student status or financial dependence, and any other child who lives with you in a regular parent/child relationship and are considered your tax dependent'


If a dependent child age 26 or older is incapable of self-sustaining employment because of a mental or physical disability and is financially dependent upon your support, his or her coverage may be continued under this Plan provided the disability began prior to the dependent child attaining age 26.  You must submit proof of your dependent child’s disability to the Fund Office within thirty-one (31) days of your dependent child attaining age 26.  You will be required to provide proof of the child’s disability periodically to the Fund Office.

For children under your legal guardianship to qualify for benefits you must submit a copy of certified court documents confirming your status as legal guardian.

“Tax dependent” means you claim the child on your income tax return as dependent. For your tax dependent children to qualify for benefits you must submit a copy of your income tax income tax return showing the child(ren) as dependent(s). For eligibility to continue, you must submit a copy of your tax returns May 1st of each year, showing the child(ren) as dependents(s). if such evidence is not submitted annually, tax dependents will be removed from coverage.

Your domestic partner.  Domestic Partnership is defined as: two people (one of whom is a member of Local 3) both of whom are eighteen years of age or older, neither of whom is married or related by blood in a manner that would bar their marriage in New York State, who have a close and committed personal relationship, who live together and have been living together on a continuous basis, who have registered as domestic partners with the City of New York and have not terminated the domestic partnership.

In order for your Domestic Partner to qualify for benefits, you must submit:

  1. Your Domestic Partnership Registration Certificate issued by the Office of the City Clerk;
  2. A letter from the City of New York, Office of Labor Relations, Employee Benefits Program certifying that your Domestic Partner is your dependent in the City of New York’s Health Benefits Program and has provided the necessary materials for enrollment in the program of his or her domestic partner with an effective date; and
  3. A completed enrollment form.

Becoming Covered

Each dependent will be eligible for all benefits on the day that the member's coverage commences. Any new dependent(s) acquired after that date will be covered immediately. No dependent(s) will be covered before the day the member's coverage commences. 

NOTE: If any dependent is eligible under the Plan for coverage as a member in his/her own right, that person is not eligible for coverage as a “Dependent” as defined above in this section.